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Опубликованно: 07.02.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The aim of convention:
to stabilise the quantity of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous
anthropogenic interference in the climate system
• The aim of communication:
to facilitate the conclusion of a fair and effective United
Nations climate change agreement that sets the world on
a pathway to preventing global warming from reaching
dangerous levels
European Union position
Three key challenges:
• targets and actions
• financing of "low-carbon development and adaptation“
• building an effective global carbon market

• Emission savings need for Improvement in energy efficiency. So domestic
source could provide 20-40% of the total financing needed by developing
• Carbon market could generate financial flows to developing countries of
up to € 38 billion a year by 2020, or around 40% of the total financing
• Contributions should be determined according to an agreed scale that
would be based on two criteria: a country's level of emissions and its
ability to pay. On this basis the EU's contribution will be between 10 and
30% of the total
• Developing countries could need international public financing of around
9-13 billion euros in the year 2013. Based on the EU scale the EU would
expect to contribute around 900 million to 3.9 billion euros of this

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