After analyzing the story “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” it is absolutely possible to asseverate that the plot is set up on the basics of the Bible and The New Testament. Although the Lewis himself has said that he didn't set out to write a "Christian children's story”, the parallels are too obvious and striking not to be noticed - the story of the crucifixion of the Christ is transformed into the world of magical creatures, talking animals and humans, but the moral values are still the same.
When looking at the symbols of the main characters, it is striking, that Aslan is the allegory of Jesus, White Witch of the Devil, Edmund of the entire human race as sinners, Lucy of the children. During those similes C.S.Lewis has made a brilliant book that still captures the readers’ heart all over the world. The novel not only offers an emotionally engaging retelling of the crucifixion story. It also gets at the essence of the wonderful, strange, remarkable fact of God's incarnation as a human being. Lewis's novel makes some essential changes to the figure of Christ that makes Aslan more accessible to children than the Christ they learn about in church, so it means, that it is possible for them to learn the basic principles of the Christianity and moral values not only from the Bible, but also from the literature a bit more appropriate for their reading and understanding skills.
However as The New York Times journalist A.O. Scott stated in his review of the movie version of „The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, “To the millions since the 1950's for whom the books have been a source of childhood enchantment, Lewis's religious intentions have either been obvious, invisible or beside the point.” It means that it is also possible to read the book without seeing the Christianity in it and just to accept the story as a recital of the idea about the fight between the good and the evil with making an accent on the right values in the life such as bravery, love and loyalty.