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Опубликованно: 29.05.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
  The general outline of climate in Latvia and British Isles    4
  British climate    4
  Climate influencing factors    5
1.  mountains    5
2.  oceans    6
  Maritime air masses    6
  Movement and clash of different air masses    7
  Temperate climate    8
  Continental climate    8
  Regional climatic differences in British isles    8
  Precipitation    10
  Visibility    10
  Latvian climate    11
  Weather indicators    11
  Conclusion    13
Фрагмент работы

United Kingdom is located in western Europe. The islands include the northern one-sixth of the island of Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of France.
The climate in Britain is more or less the same as that of the northwestern part of the European mainland. There is no grain of truth in the popular belief that it rains all the time in Britain. The image of a wet, foggy land was created two thousand years ago by the invading Romans and since then has not notably changed. In fact, London gets no more rain than most other major European cities, and even less than some. The amount of rain that falls on a town in Britain depends on where it is. The general fact is that the farther on the west, the more there is rain.
The mild winters mean that snow is a regular feature of the higher areas only. Occasionally during the whole winter there is scarcely any snow in the lower-lying parts of Britain. The winters are in general a bit colder in the east of the country than they are in the west, while in summer, the south is slightly warmer and sunnier than the north.
Latvia is located in eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and Lithuania.
Latvia also has reasonably mild winters, average temperature in January ranging from -2.8°C in Liepaja, on the western coast, to -6.6°C in the southeastern town of Daugavpils. Summers are rather warm – in July temperatures range from 16.7°C in Liepaja to 17.6°C in Daugavpils. Unlike to Britain, there is much more snow in winter throughout the territory of Latvia, in some places more, some – less, continuous snow cover lasts eighty-two days, and the frost-free period lasts 177 days.…

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