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Опубликованно: 29.12.2008.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 6 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

Latvia and Germany are very different countries, but also very similar - with common aims, common future, also because of European Union.
Germany is located in Central Europe, but Latvia in Northern Europe, also Germany has much more neighbouring countries and it plays important role in transport system. Germany ir more than five times larger than Latvia, and its population is also 40 times greater.
One of the most important things, that Germany has is its freeway. It is important for auto transport – it is much faster and and not so dangerous.
Also railway transport in Germany is much more popular than in Latvia. First of all because of territoy Germany also has high-speed trains for passengers, while we carry more freights.
Priority in Latvia takes ports, major ports in Latvia are in Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja and they are geting developed by every year. While we have only one sea in which we operate, Germany has also rivers like the Elbe and the Rhine.
There are 615 airports in Germany. National airlines of Germany are Lufthansa, AirBerlin, TUIfly and GermanWings. Latvia has three international airports - the main in Riga and smaller ones in Liepaja, Ventspils and Daugavpils.
Latvia and Germany are very different countries, but both of them are developed, succesfull and talanted in transport sector. As transport is the major industry in the world, we have to develope our transport sytem more and more.…

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