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Опубликованно: 03.02.2014.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 18 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2011–2015 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Abstract    4
  Anotācija    5
1.  Introduction to interpretation    7
1.1.  History of interpretation    7
2.  Modes of interpreting    9
2.1.  Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting    9
3.  Interpreting strategies    11
3.1.  Consecutive interpreting strategies    12
3.1.1.  Reformulation    12
3.1.2.  Transcoding    12
3.1.3.  Explanation    13
3.1.4.  Paraphrase    13
3.1.5.  Borrowing    14
3.1.6.  Compression    14
3.1.7.  Omission/deletion    15
3.1.8.  Skipping    15
3.1.9.  Addition    15
4.  Analysis of collected data    17
4.1.  Participants    17
4.2.  Procedure    17
4.3.  Examples    18-24
  Bibliography    27
Фрагмент работы

The aim of the study paper has been to examine different consecutive interpreting strategies, to identify and analyze main strategies and their effectiveness used by student interpreters during the consecutive interpreting. It was reached by examining the performance of 4 students. In order to analyze the participant’s performance and provided interpretations, it was necessary to study and analyze different academic sources according to the process of consecutive interpreting itself, to the consecutive interpreting strategies and their effectiveness. During the study of the academic sources it was found that there is a quite limited amount of the available literature and information about the strategies. At the time of the study on the available literature of the strategies used by interpreter’s during the process of consecutive interpreting and after the analysis of the participants’, the novice interpreters’ performance that resulted into the interpretations of three different texts, the author of the study paper proposed several findings and answered the research question. :
First, the analysis of the participants’ interpretation data demonstrates that almost all of the students by using consecutive interpreting strategies provided the message very successfully almost in all of the situations. To provide an accurate interpretation of the initial text different consecutive interpreting strategies such as reformulation, explanation, skipping, compression, paraphrasing, omission, addition and borrowing were used.
Second, according to the analysis, the comprehension of the heard text mainly depends on the terminology used by the speaker and another important aspect as the lack of the time. …

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