Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 4 | |
1. | Definition of corruption | 5 |
1.2. | Types of corruption | 5 |
2. | Causes of corruption | 6 |
2.1. | Prevention of corruption | 8 |
3. | Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) | 9 |
4. | The account of accused persons for offences committed in public service | 12 |
Conclusions and recommendations | 13 | |
Key words | 14 | |
Literature and sources list | 15 |
Conclusions and recommendations
Corruption is a relatively broad term, faced by almost each country's population. To fight and to limit corruption laws have been issued in Latvia, covering the act of taking and giving bribes, which are directly related to corruption. In recent years in Latvia the account of corruption related offences has increased and it is still relatively high. Either way, according to the author, corruption is a major problem in Latvia, it exists and will exist as long as people won’t change their frivolous attitude about corruption and bribery. The prevalence of corruption and irresponsibility of people against corruption and bribery is also the reason why the author chose this topic.
Corruption caused negative effects are various. It damages the reputation of the government, threatens the rule of law and the legitimacy of state authority, and contributes the detachment between the government and the society; reduces the quality of public services; reduces investments and slows down the economic development; interferes with the market economy, disrupting the mechanisms of competition, because the winner is not who is the most competitive, but which offers the biggest bribes; contributes to social inequalities, widening the gap between rich and poor; interferes with political competition; state authority is used in the interests of oligarchic groups, and as a result it is reducing the trust of the people in democratic values; reduces tax revenues, as a result there are cuts in funding for community development purposes and the social sphere, such as education, culture, social and health care, infrastructure development; degrades the moral standards of the society, interferes with the development of the social capital; contributes the waste of natural resources.
In Latvia against corruption fights the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB). It is very positive that in Latvia there is an institution that fights corruption, but unfortunately it cannot be said that there aren’t also corrupted officials who work there.
Since the restoration of Latvia’s independence in 1991, Latvia is targeted toward the development, both political and economic. The process of development is uneven. Latvia is getting not only the positive experience of the world, but also the negative vibes which also include corruption that, of course, exists in Latvia. It has existed from the very beginnings of the country, but most strongly it gets just in the last few years. Only in 1997 an Anti-Corruption Council was established, but the current government’s delay in the development of legislation can be explained only as a highest authorities’ disinterest of corruption, thus proving both powerlessness in fighting corruption and the public authorities interest in that corruption more or less continues to exist. Since the author of this report is a public official who is working in the State police, this topic is relevant because, as laid down in the Professional Ethics and Conduct Code of the State Police Personnel - a Police officer shall not receive material values, services from the persons who anyhow might influence performing of his official duties and decision making; a Police officer shall not use his/her official standing or the state property, as well as the information that became known to him/her performing his/her official duties to derive a personal or property benefit for himself/herself or his/her relatives; a Police officer shall combat any signs of corruption in the Police and keep informed the higher rank official or any other authoritative body regarding any case of corruption in the Police and a Police officer shall keep informed the higher rank official of the conflict of interests arisen. The criminal offences committed in State authority service are determined in the Criminal Law Chapter XXIV.
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