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Опубликованно: 10.03.2015.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 15 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Executive Summary    1
  General overview    3
  Post-war history    4
  Labour and Demographics    4
  Natural resources    7
  Energy    7
  Forestry    8
  Agriculture    8
  Key Industries    9
  Automotive industry    9
  Manufacturing    10
  Pharmaceutical and chemical industry    10
  Tourism industry    10
  Food and Beverages    11
  Overview of German Economy    11
  Conclusions    13
  References    14
Фрагмент работы

Furthermore, as Germany is industrialized country and it is dependent on its exports, it is very important to be up to date with technologies and to be innovative. Thus, it is significant to have constant investments in R&D. According to the Bozoyan et al (2014), Germany is home for the largest population of researchers in the EU with 21% of all EU scientists living and working in Germany. Furthermore, Germany is the leading inventor in the EU according to 2012 data. European Patent Office granted Germany 13,300 patents in 2012 which was almost twice as much as patents granted for France and the UK combined.

Germany plays a large role not just in European economy but also in that of the world. Being located in the centre of Europe with access to the see and good roads and railroads, it is easy and relatively cheap to transport goods.
Country is abundant with skilled workers which is a key in producing manufactured goods that country specializes in (such as cars). German quality standards are known and appreciated worldwide.
Employees and employers are known to have mutual respect, thus ensuring positive working environment where employees are satisfied to work and employers gain high productivity.
Even though Germany is home for large number of SME’s, there is a high number of large international companies too. Among the Fortune Global 500 companies (companies listed on stock marked and ranked by the revenues), 37 are headquartered in Germany indicating the importance of the German economy (fortune.com).

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