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Опубликованно: 21.01.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Why is it important that people learn about other cultures? Because it is possible to find fascinating the different ways that people think, speak, act, evaluate, and communicate. Let us assume that everyone should be a more pragmatic sort of person, and is interested in the ‘cash value’ of a course like this – apart, that is, from the grade he/she will receive at the end of it.
Latvia is relatively small country, but there are a lot of different cultures and nationalities. In years these different cultures and nationalities made relationships – better or complicated. Statistical data show that Latvia is an ethnically diverse society, but before we call Latvia a multicultural society it is essential to find out whether people’s values, attitudes and opinions are in line with the idea of multicultural society.
In 2009, the population of Latvia was some 2.2 million comprised mainly of Latvians - approximately 59.3%, Russians - approximately 27.8%. Other minorities are Belarusians – 3.6%, Polish – 2.4%. Other ethnic groups include Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Jews, Gypsies, Estonians and Germans.1
Considering that two main nationalities in Latvia are Latvians and Russians, it is interesting to see why there are a lot of problems, misunderstandings and disputes between Latvian and Russian people. There are few main reasons why nowadays relationship between Latvians and Russians are so complicated. At first, it is the historical aspect – Russians were subjected Latvians almost 50 years, in time when Latvia was one of the USSR countries. …

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