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Опубликованно: 09.11.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 4 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  History    4
2.  Basics    5
2.1.  Principles    5
2.2.  Specialized Treatment    7
2.3.  Education    8
3.  Belly Dance Therapy    8
  Conclusion    11
  References    12
  Glossary    13
Фрагмент работы

All living organisms, at least once in their lives, exhibit behaviors that could be called dancing. Human beings are no exception. We are pursuing movements that have repetition and rhythm and can be subdivided, by an outside observer, into movement themes or phrases. Dance has been a method of expression for centuries, it was not until just recently that it was characterized as a form of therapy. To perform the best quality of this therapy it is advisable to study the influence and benefits of this certain therapy. It is advisable to find the differences of dance and movement therapy from regular dance classes. Very important is to know the principles of this therapy, which also would crystallize the differences from the therapy which is performed by a physiotherapist at sessions. And, after all, can anyone become a dance therapist or a person has to have a certain qualification.

1. History
Dancing goes back to primitive times and magic powers have been attributed to it. When a witch doctor dances, it is to exorcise evil spirits from the sick person. During the Middle Ages people even danced to avoid the plague. The Tarantella to Italy is believable to have originated after a poisonous spider’s bite caused tarantism, and the cure for it was jumping dance.
The first records of dance being used as a form of therapy date as far back as the nineteenth century. Although there were significant American influences, the main theories of dance therapy originated in the United Kingdom (UK).
Dance Therapy has its roots in modern dance, from pioneers including Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham and Doris Humphrey (1920 onwards). Their work gave the foundation for expressive dance where spontaneity, creativity and individuality were allowed. Many dancers who were members of these pioneers companies began to understand the far-reaching benefits of dance as a form of personal expression. In addition, the work of Rudolf Laban was prominent in the area of movement analysis and movement expression for both the artist and everyday worker in industrial settings, respectively. Laban worked specifically with artists, enabling them to understand how their body worked to express the inner state. He likewise worked with industrial workers during the war to enhance work capacity and efficiency.

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