Искусство, культура и история
Developing of Speaking Skills in Junior Classes-
Developing of Speaking Skills in Junior Classes
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Chapter 1. | Description of junior class students | |
1.1. | Age 5 – 12 particularities of children in junior classes | |
1.2. | Teaching young learners | |
1.3. | The principles of developing resources for primary levels | |
Chapter 2. | Pronunciation - the base of speaking | |
2.1. | Problems of teaching and learning pronunciation | |
2.2. | Main steps in teaching pronunciation | |
2.2.1. | Working with sounds | |
2.2.2. | Working with stress | |
2.2.3. | Working with the intonation | |
2.3. | Sounds and spelling | |
2.4. | Connected speech and fluency | |
2.5. | Pronunciation models | |
Chapter 3. | Classroom interaction activities | |
3.1. | Pre – speaking activities | |
3.2. | Speaking activities | |
3.2.1. | Problems with speaking activities | |
3.3. | Post – speaking activities | |
Chapter 4. | Speaking as the main in communication | |
4.1. | Linguistically structured | |
4.2. | Performance activities | |
4.3. | Participation activities | |
4.4. | Observation activities | |
Chapter 5. | The research part | |
5.1. | Characterization of basis of research | |
5.2. | Possibilities of usage of the textbooks | |
5.3. | Practical activities for developing speaking skills in junior classes | |
5.4. | Summary of research findings | |
Conclusions |
During the process of trying to achieve the aims as outlined in my qualification paper ’’ Developing of speaking skills in junior classes ’’ I have acquainted with metadological literature of different authors, cognition and conclusions of the courses and articles. I have studied the work experience of my colleagues who have been working in the junior classes as well.
The acquaintance with pedagogical and psychological theories dealing with age pecullarities and differences of junior class students, their interests, motivation allow a teacher to comprehend better and be aware of the trends in the future work while teaching English in the junior classes.
Having analysed the practical and theoretical parts of the qualificiation paper was found the following conclusions:
1. Students like to be engaged in role play, witch gives them an opportunity to practice communication in different social roles.
2. Speaking habbits developed the first stages of learning are the most important.
3. Pronunciation must correctly teach in junior classes because it is important in the further stages of speaking.
4. There are many speaking activities, but teachers must choose task suitable students age, knowledge level and interests.
Mācīšanas paņēmieni, kas veicina un sekmē runāšanas prasmju attīstību. Dažādu runāšanas aktivitāšu pielietošana. Jaunāko klašu skolēnu vecumposmam raksturīgās iezīmes - mācību vielas apguvē noteicošais faktors - rotaļas, spēles un citas aktivitātes, kas notur skolēna interesi, rosina fantāziju, attīsta domāšanu.
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