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Опубликованно: 03.11.2016.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 19 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Abstract    3
  Introduction    4
1.  General information    5
1.1.  History of dictionaries    6
1.2.  Types of dictionary    8
1.2.1.  Encyclopaedic and linguistic dictionaries    9
1.2.2.  Diachronic (dynamic) or synchronic (static) dictionaries    10
1.2.3.  Historical and Etymological Dictionaries    10
1.2.4.  Special dictionaries    11
1.2.5.  General Dictionaries    12
1.2.6.  Dictionaries from opinion of language    13
2.  Modern time    14
2.1.  Advantages in modern time    14
2.2.  Disadvantages for dictionaries in Modern time    16
  Conclusions    19
  Reference list    20
Фрагмент работы

After researching and writing this project, I come up with following conclusions:
• The word dictionary was created by John of Garland in 1220 (an Englishman). His book Dictionarius was written to help with Latin diction.
• First dictionaries were already in ancient time - cuneiform tablets with bilingual Sumerian - Akkadian wordlist. But for English language the early modern period was an era of major change for the language. New words was created, borrowed from Latin, Greek language.
• There are many types of dictionaries. But we can state some main criteria for the classification of dictionaries: Density of entries, The number of languages involved, The nature of entries, Axis of time, Arrangement of entries, Purpose, The prospective user.
• Other types are: Encyclopaedic and linguistic dictionaries, Diachronic (dynamic) or synchronic (static) dictionaries, Historical and Etymological Dictionaries, Special dictionaries and General dictionaries, Dictionaries from opinion of language.
• Modern time brings all information on online. And whit that there are some advantages and disadvantages. One of advantages is online dictionaries on Internet or in our smart phones that can help teachers and students to learn language, like Googla translate help it. People can be understood around the world. Read news in other language that we can understand what happen in world etc.

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