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Опубликованно: 28.10.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 11 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  History of the English language    5
1.2.  Varieties of English    6
1.3.  English today    11
2.  A brief history of English    13
2.1.  Differences between American and British English    15
2.2.  Differences in grammar    16
2.3.  Differences in vocabulary    24
2.4.  Differences in spelling    28
2.5.  Differences in writing    31
3.  Social and cultural differences    37
4.  Idioms    43
5.  Questionnaire    45
6.  Conclusion    48
  Bibliography    49
  Summary    50
  Addition    51
Фрагмент работы

This research work is devoted to the two most used in the English society types - British and American English versions.
The aim of the author's research is to compare these two versions and find differences and similarities between them.
English language is used all over the world. It arose from Anglo-French dialects, which from the north-western Germany and northern Dutch Germanic colonists and Roman soldiers brought in Britain. In 17th century Britain became the colonial power, which led to the spread of English around the world and formation of different standardized dialect in colonies.
In this work the author has drawn attention to these differences and similarities:
• differences:
1. both language versions are used only in their own country with its appropriate dialect;
2. in both languages, the pronunciation of words is often different from the written form;
3. both versions have their own grammar nuances, which are very difficult not to mix.
• similarities:
1. both variants use the Latin alphabet;
2. both language versions have been created from the same original English language;
3. some nuances of grammar are the same.

In writing this work, the author has used information from the Internet, and a survey of young people to understand what it their knowledge in this field.
Nowadays, English is accepted as the official language in 53 countries, and in each it is different. The author’s aim is to show readers that English is a powerful and very interesting language.…

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