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Опубликованно: 01.04.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

In 2001, Latvia closed the EU accession negotiation chapter on environment committing to full enforcement of EU environmental directives by 2010. In my opinion Latvia has lots of environmental issues and it will take quite long time to solve these problems. One of them is water pollution. Water quality is typically cited as Latvia's main environmental problem. According to available hydrobiological and hydrochemical data, 85% of all surface water is either slightly polluted or polluted totally.
One way, how to live in more ecologically clean World is by keeping environment clean. We need to clean water moreover all people must use it in their life. Why water? Because approximately 70% of our body composes of it.
All see food contingent lives in water which is more or less polluted. Fish drinks this water and then we catch and eat them. Therefore we are getting ill with many see diseases. For example with bacterial diseases, that human can go down with.
Global water cleaning is very expensive joy, so if our government will spend all money for it, then we will not have anything left for air quality development and the question of how to control and dispose of wastes is an emerging problem throughout Latvia. For example, one water cleaning filter for home use costs ~ 20Ls, imagine, how much purifying works will cost for global water?
In The Law of the Republic of Latvia Nature Protection', Article 11 furthermore is said that Residents of the Republic of Latvia shall have the right to live in a quality human environment and require competent state institutions, legal persons and their officials, as well as natural persons to cease such activity, or failure to act, that degrades the environment, harm human health or endanger their lives, interests and property.

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