George Armitstead III
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 2 | |
1. | Biography | 3 |
1.1. | Educational background and life | 3 |
1.2. | Work as a Mayor | 4 |
1.3. | The last years | 6 |
2. | The Mayor | 7 |
2.1. | Mayors of Riga | 7 |
2.2. | Significant innovations in Riga from 1901 to 1912 | 8 |
2.3. | Tram line construction | 9 |
2.3.1. | Tramline | 9 |
2.3.2. | Horse trams | 11 |
2.4. | The Latvian National Theatre,The Market of Vidzeme and The 1st Riga Hospital | 12 |
2.4.1. | The Latvian National Theatre | 12 |
2.4.2. | The Market of Vidzeme | 14 |
2.4.3. | The 1st Riga Hospital | 15 |
2.5. | Riga, 700th Anniversary Celebration | 16 |
3. | The links with G.Armitstead’s family | 18 |
3.1. | The book "A Baltic Story" by Maud Radcliffe | 18 |
3.2. | Queen Elizabeth's visit to Latvia and the ties between the two nations | 20 |
3.3. | G.Armitstead's 160th anniversary celebration | 27 |
3.4. | G.Armitstead’s great-grandson | 28 |
3.4.1. | A Christian adventurer | 29 |
3.4.2. | Great-grandson and Latvia | 29 |
Conclusion | 32 | |
Annotation | 33 | |
List of Literature | 34 |
George Armitstead was an Englishman who became the Mayor of Riga at the turn of the twentieth century. As the Mayor between 1901 and 1912, George Armitstead entered our history as one of the greatest leaders Riga had ever known. Riga became a major modern city during his tenure as Mayor. The State Museum of Art, the National Theatre, and sixteen schools were built when he was at the helm of the city - several beautiful parks came into being, and the electric tramway first began to operate. The Riga Zoo was opened and many other. Riga was transformed into one of the most important cities in Northern Europe under his administration. Riga is once again the most dynamic city in this region - a cultural and financial centre worthy of Mayor Armitstead's legacy.
We are writing this research work because we wanted to gather more information about Mayor Armitstead’s life and his achievements. Today there are not many people who can tell anything about him and most of the young generation haven’t even heard about him. Since his monument was unveiled, people are more interested in him. This year his 160th birthday anniversary was organized in Jaunmoku castle. In this research work we would like to give people more information about him, his life, his work and achievements. And also it will reveal many facts information about the city of Riga and its development in the time between 1901 and 1912. Unfortunately many of his works were damaged or disregarded because of the World War I. …
Džordžs Armitsteds – anglis, kurš dzīvodams un strādādams Latvijā kļuva par Rīgas mēru un valdīja laika posmā no 1901. gada līdz 1912. gadam. Inženieris, uzņēmējs. Viņa vadības laikā turpinājās straujā apbūve, īpaša uzmanība tika pievērsta sociālajām vajadzībām. Uzceltas 16 jaunas skolas, 1. pilsētas slimnīcas administratīvā ēka, ierīkota ātrās ārsta palīdzības stacija Jēkaba kazarmās un naktspatversme bezpajumtniekiem Maskavas priekšpilsētā un daudz kas cits, kas tiks uzskaitīts un sīkāk izklāstīts darbā.
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