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Опубликованно: 15.02.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Основная школа
Литературный список: 5 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
  Data about health care system    4
  Health care institutions    5
  Primary health care    6
  Secondary health care    7
  Medical emergency    9
  Medication and compensable medication    10
  Prevention procedures    10
  E-Health system    11
  List of used literature    12
Фрагмент работы

Compared to preventive procedures mentioned earlier, state-funded test for the prevention of intestinal cancer is introduced recently, in October 1,2019. The purpose of this test is to detect hidden or invisible blood in the faeces using an immunochemical method that can diagnose bowel disease, including early stage cancer before symptoms appear. In this case there is no letter of invitation sent to the patient’s place of residence. For this test patient should visit general practitioner to receive test kit and information on how to perform an examination at home. This test can also be performed in the laboratory if the patient has been referred by general practitoner(Ministry of Health,2020).
E-Health system
E-Health is a program to improve the quality and effectiveness of health care through the use of information and communication technologies. Main goals of E-Health development are following – improving health status by promoting citizens control over their health, reducing patient time in contact with medical facilities (such as registering with general practitioner, applying for an EHIC, looking at treatment results, making an appointment with a doctor), increasing healthcare efficiency by providing healthcare providers with prompt access to required patient health data, improving the reability and safety of population health data(Ministry of Health,2020). It is predicted that E-Health system would improve the quality of healthcare and the efficiency of the system. For example, health care providers can prescribe e-prescriptions so that patients can purchase medication at any pharmacy in the country, which will allow providers to monitor the safety of the medication when prescribing to multiple patients(Ministry of Health,2016).

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