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Опубликованно: 08.12.2006.
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Фрагмент работы

Good manager know a lot of knowledge about tourism and hotels. He is like hotel soul.
If I want be a manager then I think that at first I made like instructions am I ready for this, in my opinion good hotel manager need to know and need to be with:

• Excellent communication and organizational skills
• Degree in hotel management or restaurant management, because I can’t lead in hotel if I don’t know theory of hotel management
• I need experience in hotel business, good if hotel manager try all jobs in hotel, because then he now how everything is working
• And one of good thing of course is many years experience, even if you don’t have degree, but good experience, then you can be good manager

A hotel manager is responsible for the day management of a hotel and all staffs, even including front – of – house and back – of – house offices. He need make up a general team. Hotel manager need to know even financial thing of hotel, strategies how to made hotel better every year. He plays the major role in all staffs in hotel.
I think that typical work activities of hotel manager can be:

• Planning and organizing accommodation
• Planning work schedules
• Meeting and greeting customers
• Addressing problems
• Making partnerships
The manager of a large hotel may have less contact with guests but will spend time meeting heads of department and planning strategies. I think, that in small hotel, they will have more work, like meet even guests and take care of all hotel.

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