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Опубликованно: 01.03.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction. Aim and tasks of project   
2.  Definition of procrastination   
3.  Recognizing procrastination   
4.  Reasons for procrastinating   
5.  Measures how to overcome procrastination   
6.  Conclusion   
7.  References   
Фрагмент работы

Sixthly, pay attention to internal dialogue and change such phrases as "need to" and "have to", which imply that you have no choice in what you do, with saying "I choose to" which implies that you own a project and you are in control of your workload. It will stop you from feeling dis-empowered what may result in self-sabotage.
Seventhly, it is useful to minimize distractions by turning off your checking email, social media, etc.
And lastly, it is better to do those tasks first that you find least pleasant, so the rest of the day you may concentrate on work that you find more enjoyable. It is similar to rewarding yourself: by pushing through a less pleasant task, you get to a part that you like more.
It is also important to recognize that we often overestimate how unpleasant a task can be. Once we begin, it might turn out that the work isn’t as hard as it seemed in the first place.

Procrastination is a habit that can be harmful for a person’s professional and everyday life, but it is manageable by using the right methods.
At first, the procrastinator has to recognize the phenomenon and has to be willing to overcome it. To get better results in fighting procrastination we should base choice of strategy on our specific personal traits and on reasons why we procrastinate (not organised/ perfectionist/ etc.)
Some measures are more practical (for example, getting organised), some are more “emotional” (for example, being rewarded). They only work if the person is committed to them.

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