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Опубликованно: 05.10.2015.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 15 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Factory domain is usually defended by the notion of greater good. As Donna haraway confesses “Yes, all the calculations still apply; yes, I will defend animal killing for reasons and in detailed material-semiotic conditions that I judge tolerable because of a greater good calculation. And no, that is never enough. I refuse the choice of ‘inviolable animal rights’ versus ‘human good is more important.’ Both of those proceed as if calculation solved the dilemma, and all I or we have to do is choose.” In her writing Animal Encounters she also states that animals should not be made killable because such wording makes it somewhat ok to kill animals, whereas making a human killable would produce an outrage. Only human beings can be murdered.
Element of human need which sets perception of animal is also easily observed in this more harsh, factory domain.

1) Animals through a prism of human need can be looked at in domestic and factory domains.
2) In domestic domain humans anthropomorph animals by giving them names and attributing human characteristics.
3) In factory domain humans see animals as killable, usable or edible.
4) Human need determines animals either as more human or as killable, depending of the need which humans want to satisfy.
5) Animal rights is a fiction.

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