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Опубликованно: 07.02.2011.
Язык: Английский
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  Interview Questions   
  Interview Protocol   
  Answers for the questions   
Фрагмент работы

For us, walking on the solid ground, profession of the sailor, at the first sight, looks
romantic and attractive. It is something like a cruise for which you do not pay, but receive
payment. With a closer acquaintance with seamen you start to understand the fact that not
accidentally this job was always considered not to be easy, especially men's job.
In the interview participate two persons: experienced and well-mannered Valery- 50 years old and young, purposeful Aleksey- 25 years old. Despite their age and character differences, these men have one thing in common- the sea, to which they have devoted all their life.
We tried to know, and also to compare their relations and perception of the sea.
1. How the sea profession has involved personally you?
Valery: First of all, it’s romanticism. I went to the naval school at the age of 15 and all knowledge about this job I had only from films. In those days there were not too many professions which were giving the chance to travel and see the world. Also, at that time, I already understood that this profession would help me to earn good money. Aleksey: I chose this profession after the 9 grade, when I finished 15 years old. And very often you can hear that at this age a person does not realise what is the most valuable in his
life. At that time, I thought only about a possibility to travel, to get acquainted with various cultures, to get to know the life of people from different countries. In my opinion, in other
professions there is no such a possibility. Certainly, the significant role was played also by
money, received by seamen, but still, it did not irritate me so much.…

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