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Опубликованно: 18.09.2012.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 12 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Summarizing the obtained information about the Ku Klux Klan organization it is possible to make the following findings:
• Each of three Ku Klux Klan movements differs from previous. The main differences are noticeable in its organization structure and timeline when Klan appeared.
• More violent and cruel was the first Klan, after the American Civil War. Its founders were veterans of the Confederate Army. The main goal of first Klan uprising was to defend white supremacy in the South of America.
• The uprising of second Klan was stimulated by Dixon’s novel “The Clansman” and Griffith’s motion picture “The Birth of a Nation”. Its main purpose was to encourage patriotism during World War I. A second Klan activity was nonviolent in general.
• The third Klan emerged by the fear of Communism in America and abroad. A huge impact on third Klan activization had African-American Civil Rights movement. The aim of third Klan was to perpetuate white supremacy and to fight communism. However methods of aim achievement were violent.
• Distinctive symbols of Ku Klux Klan organizations are: white robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be outlandish and terrifying, and to hide their identities. All Klan groups usually wear “blood drop” and emblem of “crosswheel”.
• The flag the Ku Klux Klan use is the Southern state flag from the Civil War.
• The Ku Klux Klan membership is secret and for this reason Klan members use signs to recognize each other.
• Cross burning is a practice widely associated with the Klan, and it used as a symbol of the members’ faith.
• Nowadays combination of public disapproval and federal prosecution has kept the modern Klan weak. Although Ku Klux Klan organization continuing to exist.
• Large majority of sources consider that the Ku Klux Klan is a terrorist organization.

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