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Опубликованно: 14.06.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
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My opinion
In my opinion this book is very particular because it may have two audiences – children and adults. I found several places in the story where the events and the meanings of the characters and the words can be understood differently.
I have read this book in Latvian when I was a child myself. I decided to read it also in English because it is English literature classics. It has been a great challenge for me because the text was not easy to understand in all places, mainly due to the meaningful sense of the text and the play of the words which the author has used.
I think that the children may find different interesting events in the book, like the adventures of a seven-year old that jumps in a rabbit-hole in order to follow a strange white rabbit and later meets various characters. Nevertheless that some events could be really scary (like, Alice’s unexpected growing in one moment and shrinking in another moment, beheading and other), a child can understand the story as a simple fairy-tale.
Now when I am older and reading this book, I see that the adults can learn from the story, too. The story shows the interpretation of situations and a wide range of the characters. In my opinion, the message which the author wanted to deliver to the audience is about the diversity and the complexity of the life. It is shown by unambiguous characters, meaningful dialogues between the characters and the game of the words.
I would suggest reading this book to everyone when a person is a child and later, when he or she becomes adult. It is a different view, understanding and things you can find out in it.

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