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Опубликованно: 14.06.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

There are two values and wealth: There is a value that to shine as silver and gold, but there are also non-precious metal sound and brightness. And yet, these values tend to evaluate more than gold-these are moral values.
Upbringing is more important to awaken spiritual and moral child, show him that when confronted with difficulties and may even be the imminent danger and temptation, strength and a source of solace is looking for his soul.
Should be brought such a human who know how to respect himself and to convince its moral and spiritual dignity and freedom. Better to teach your child the value of banking a positive experience that will be an ideal option, but it almost does not succeed, the value can only cultivate emotional and connecting. Children's values often do not coincide with parents' values. But both should try to understand why they are sometimes necessary for more to give leave justify its position, because the child in some sort of reasons, it is necessary. The child is sometimes also the value derives from friends, the mass media, and a reader of books, comics, video games and computers.…

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