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Опубликованно: 03.06.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 5 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  Sound and cinema    4
2.  The first music video?    4
2.1.  The Beatles    5
3.  Beginnings of music television    6
3.1.  MTV    6
3.2.  Other music channels    8
3.3.  Directors    8
4.  Music videos go viral    8
5.  Lyric videos    9
6.  Future of music videos    10
  Conclusion    11
  References    12
Фрагмент работы

Another fundamental part of music videos is and will be fan engagement. Not just in the interactive videos. There are artists like OK Go who have launched a contest asking their fans to create their next music video. The Vaccines ran an Instagram competition to have submitted photos featured in the video itself.
The future of music videos will be a combination of traditional filmmaking and entrepreneurial cleverness. Simple videos will no longer be enough.

Music videos have changed the way people consume music. It is no longer just about the sense of hearing; they are now a kind of an audio-visual poetry.
Our culture began rotating around them when music television was born. Now we mostly seek for music videos online, but although MTV may not program twenty four hours of video a day anymore, when we look at the amount of music video on all television stations – MTV, MTV2, VH1, Fuse, BET, CMT and others, we cannot avoid the conclusion that there are, in fact, many, many more hours of music television available now than ever before. (1)
All together music videos are still a huge part of our culture. And they will most likely continue to be. So, overall, one hundred and eighteen years old and still going from strength to strength – here’s to the music video!

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