Neologisms in Fashion Terminology
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 3 | |
1. | Research method | 4 |
2. | The analysis of the secondary sources | 6 |
3. | The analysis of the obtained data | 13 |
3.1. | Blending | 13 |
3.2. | Compounding | 15 |
3.3. | Abbreviation | 18 |
3.4. | Clipping | 18 |
3.5. | Semantic change | 19 |
Conclusions | 21 | |
Thesis | 22 | |
Bibliography | 23 |
The goal of this research paper was to investigate the newly formed words in fashion-related terminology, and give interpretations of their explanations and possible origin. The hypothesis of this research paper was that the neologisms in fashion terminology are widely used in fashion magazines and blogs. After the analysis of secondary sources and the collection and analysis of the data several conclusions have been drawn.
1. The analysis of the secondary sources has revealed that; although, there are many sources devoted to neologisms in general, the empirical research concerning this particular topic is rather scarce, and the investigations that would concern the neologisms in fashion terminology have not been found.
2. The author has chosen corpus-based analysis of the vocabulary and this method has been proved to be effective in the investigation of the collected corpus of materials on fashion from several magazines and blogs.
3. The found neologisms were grouped according to the word formation patterns outlined in the secondary sources and discussed in the theoretical part of this research, demonstrating that the most widespread types of new word formation in the collected corpus was compounding and blending.
4. Together twenty-six unique neologisms were found during the analysis of the 5000-word corpus, which is comparatively many, regarding the fact that these neologisms are formed very recently.
All in all, the research brought interesting results that should be further developed by expanding the gathered list of neologisms. It would be important to analyse the frequency of fashion-related neologisms and the tendencies regarding their usage. As the scope of this research was rather narrow, the amount of gathered and explored texts is small; therefore, it would be advisable to investigate further the neologisms in broader scale and using larger corpus of texts.
Neoloģismi modes terminoloģijā Šis pētījums ir veltīts jaunvārdu izpētei, kas pēdējo gadu laikā parādījušies ar modi saistītā terminoloģijā. Lai iegūtu nepieciešamos datus, tika izpētīti vairāki modes žurnāli, kā Vogue un Cosmopolitan, kā arī to Interneta mājas lapas un pazīstamākie modes blogi, kā style.com un Fashion Police. Atrastie neoloģismi tika sagrupēti pēc jaunvārdu veidošanas modeļiem un tiem tika sniegti skaidrojumi. Šī pētījuma rezultāti sniegs labumu žurnālistiem un ārštata autoriem, tāpat arī tulkotājiem un jebkuram, kam interesē strauji augošā modes industrija.
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