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Опубликованно: 31.01.2012.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 11 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Abstract    1
  Introduction    1
1.1.  Types of Deceivers    3
1.2.  Nonverbal Deception Clues    4
1.3.  Analysis of Nonverbal Clues of Deception    6
  Conclusions    7
  List of References    8
  Appendix 1 Amount of Times When Clues Were Registered When the Participants Were Deceiving    9
  Appendix 2 Amount of Times When Clues Were Registered When the Participants Were Telling the Truth    9
Фрагмент работы

The study builds upon a theory of nonverbal clues of deception proposed by Bella DePaulo, James Lindsay, Brian Malone, Laura Muhlenbruck, Kelly Charlton, Harris Cooper (2003).
Nonverbal clues of deception are keys for indicating when a person is lying and when he is telling the truth. However, it is very hard to indicate whether a particular nonverbal behaviour is a clue of a deception or not, especially because what is a clue for one person may not be a clue for another.
The aim of this paper is to research the role of deception, indicate the most frequent nonverbal clues and analyse four experimental cases of deceiving and truth telling.
The research question of the study is the following: “Are there significant differences in nonverbal behaviour when people are lying?”
To attain the above mentioned aim and provide an answer to the above mentioned research question the following objectives were set:
1. To do a literature review on the topic;
2. To conduct four interviews;
3. To analyse nonverbal behaviour of eight videos;
4. To draw adequate conclusions.…

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