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Опубликованно: 26.01.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Thus, the hypothesis of this work is as follows: planning is an effective means of successful teaching and learning. Without some kind of planning, lessons can leave students with no clear idea why they are doing some particular exercises or tasks.

According to P.Ur, “the lesson is a type of organized social event that occcurs in virtually all cultures. Lessons in different places may vary in topic, time, place, atmosphere, methodology and materials, but they all, essentially, are concerned with learning as their main objectives, involve the participation of learner and the teacher, and are limited and prescheduled as regards time, place and membership”. (Ur, 1996:213).

As a result, while planning the lessons, the teacher should keep in mind the main aims of his/her lesson, because the time of every lesson is limited, and the teacher, beforehand, should decide what she/he is going to speak with the students about, what kind of exercises should be done, what issues of grammar and vocabulary shoud be discussed, what topics should be implemented. The teacher should also, beforehand, think about the problems that can arise during the lesson, for instance, the students can come unprepared or forget to take distributed handouts with them. Some exercises prepared by the teacher can take a lot of time, because all students differ in learning abilities and, as a result, something should be omitted from the discussion. …

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