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Опубликованно: 16.03.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 9 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

The only way to enter and leave the city was through gates. Earlier the fortification system of Riga consisted of towers placed every 100-200m; towers were all kind of shapes. “Powder tower” was the most important fortification of Riga, because it was guarding the only land entrance – main road to East.
This is one of the towers that helped to form the formerly walled city’s fortifications. Initially known as the “Sand Tower”. Also it is the only surviving representative of Riga's 14th century defensive towers.

First time “Powder tower” was mentioned in 1330, but like “Sand tower” (supposedly because of sand-dune opposite the tower). It was started to build in the 13th century end. And was rebuilt in the 15th century and suited for small-arms, like many such medieval structure which has a selection of cannon balls cemented into its flanks, supposed remnants of ancient battles. Also this tower was rebuilt in 1650 by suffering in hostilities in 1621. After it’s rebuilding in the 17th century it took on its present identity - “Powder tower” - logically enough because gunpowder was stored in the tower.

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