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Опубликованно: 02.12.2012.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 5 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  Surrealism    4
2.  Surrealism testimonial    5
3.  Salvador Dali    5
4.  "Soft watches" motive    7
  Conclusions    10
  Bibliography    11
Фрагмент работы

1. Surrealism is 20th century modern art direction, covering literature, painting, sculpture and cinema. Surrealist artists engaged in " parallel" - the spiritual world, which runs alongside the usual reality.
2. Surrealist artists focused on the representation of irrational dream world.
3. Surrealist strongly influenced by Zigmund Fraid on the subconscious learning and psychoanalysis, which was also interpreted into dreams.
4. Surrealist creates exposure to the dream and the fictional world as a massive and mysterious source. Their work freely manifested unusual, amusing and horribly.
5. Salvador Dali was one of the most prominent representatives of surrealism.
6. "Soft watches" motif is a symbol through which the artist Salvador Dali put the viewer their own interpretation of the time. This will be seen together eleven artists.
7. Dali depicts the time based on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity without the use of classical physics theories of the time. Relativity theory time is an integral dimension of the space, so this theory to work with the concept of "timespace".
8. Dali painting shows a link between the perception of time and space.
9. Time is a key element of a measuring system that is used to arrange the sequence of events, to determine the duration of the event, the interval between them, and also to qualitatively describe the motion of bodies.
10. Salvador Dali watches - usual means of measuring time - represented the reality principle, but soft, "edible" items belonged to the pleasure principle.
11. In his works the "soft watches" indicators show every other time.
12. One of Dali's most famous paintings is "Memory Permanence" of the paintings exhibited "soft watches" became the artist's brand in the USA.
13. "Memories of Permanence Division" continues paintings "Memory Permanence" along similar lines.

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