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Опубликованно: 10.07.2018.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 12 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  About Self-Driving Vehicles    1
  Key players in the development    2
  The autonomous car timeline    2
  Current area of applications    2
  The Supply Chain for life-enhancing product “Nutrilite”    4
  Breaking down the Supply Chain of “Nutrilite”    4
  The technology application in chosen parts of supply chain    5
  Issues and challenges in logistics and how it can be solved by SDV    5
  References    7
Фрагмент работы

Another issue regarding self-driving vehicles is that driver would get tired throughout a long distance when transporting products from one place to another so it’s better to get two drivers within the same vehicles and swap seats between them so one gets rest and the other drives.
Although technology is existed in our world but it’s not 100% advanced which means cautions are required. Self-driving vehicles has unexpected in counters which really leads to card accident e.g. there are difficulties within such a vehicle when dealing with unusual incidents on the road apart from the weather conditions which mention above. These vehicles have different sorts of programming but some might not match what happens among it for instance, it’s difficult for it to understand when a traffic officer waving and also it can’t understand body language quite accurately e.g. it can’t detect if a child or other people when they are about to cross the road so that can be even more challenging because it might raise people injury. The solution available regarding these aspect is that it’s important to keep self-driving vehicles transport away in desert or country sides to avoid accidents risks in cities.
The problem with self-driving vehicles is that up to now, it is unable to tell when the driver is ready to act in certain conditions. Relying on computing and programming on every day basis would lead to a higher level of risks because it’s quite challenging to keep control of its liabilities. The biggest issues within such a technology is that it’s quite likely that hackers can attack the self-driving vehicles system and disable certain programming which will affect the vehicles action on the road. One solutions is required is that each self-driving vehicles has to have anti-virus programs to keep the car system secured.

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