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Опубликованно: 06.01.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 2 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The topic I am writing about concerns all the women, and partly men, not only in Lithuania, but also in the entire world. In every organisation, institution and university there is a possibility to be sexually harassed and discriminated. Unfortunately, discrimination is a factor in women’s access to jobs, pay, promotions and fair treatment. In addition, women are still working in unfair environment. I chose this topic for several reasons: firstly, I can be the possible victim, as I am starting my career next year, so I need to know as much as possible about how to avoid sexual harassment and what to do when it happens – this topic educates my knowledge and is relevant and rhetoric. Secondly, one of my friends was abused by sexual harassment this spring semester at Lithuanian University by hers professor. She could not prove it, so he was considered not guilty. Another reason for searching the truth about sexual harassment. Finally, because of Human Resource Management lectures, I have this possibility to increase my knowledge about this topic and write this project.
Surprisingly to us all, even Concordia University’s harassment policy is very weak. It does not include any reference to harassment of students by staff, administration or professors. I will not deny that there have been several discussions among women students that this or that professor is looking too much, touching too much or saying compliments too much. However, of course, these discussions have never reached the upper level ears, so no one is supposed to see or hear nothing. …

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