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Опубликованно: 22.03.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Основная школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Valmiera Region is located in historic district of Vidzeme and borders with the Cesis, Limbazi, Valka, Madona and Aluksne regions. Valmiera regions area is 2. 369 sq, km, but its population in total is about 61.901 inhabitants. Different nature objects, small, but wild rivers, green landscape, ecological - clean lakes and interesting monuments of culture and history of this region are waiting for the tourists. There are tree towns in this region, but the other parts of regions area are separated between 21 smaller rural parishes or communes. Valmiera City is the economic and cultural centre of this region.
Valmiera is situated at the junction of several importaent roads and it is crossed by the Riga – St. Petersburg railway. It lies about one hundert kilometres away from Riga, the capital, and fifty kilometres from the Estonian border. Valmiera is the only town in Latvia that is situated on the both banks of the Gauja, which is considered to be the most beautiful river in the country. Not far from the town is the famous Zilaiskalns or Blue Hill, which rises 127 meters above sea level. Also near is the legendary Lake Burtnieks, one of the largest lakes in the country.…

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