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Опубликованно: 09.12.2015.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 14 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Entrepreneurship is crucial component of prosperous society, thus creating an environment that encourages and fosters is an important task for each country to engage. Thus, if more people can engage in entrepreneurship without fear of failure probability of emergence successful companies increases. Start-up as a business phenomenon has multiple aspects: From entrepreneurship point of view, it is an important phase of business lifecycle when entrepreneur verifies a business idea. Thus, if more entrepreneurs reach this phase, probability of founding successful businesses increases. Society and countries would benefit from larger number of companies, as it increases tax revenues and job prospects for everybody. Customers would benefit from higher competition and increased innovation, which would bring better products at lower cost. Investors are eager to invest into perspective start-ups as they have high potential of returns.
There are multiple prerequisites for fragile Start-ups to survive: It is crucial for start-ups to have access to various further funding options thus allowing best ideas to survive and grow. Lack of funding can be a big obstacle even for best ideas. Investors will invest more in countries where it is easier to achieve start-up objectives, where there is less obstacles thus creating business friendly environment is important. Engagement of talented and educated people is important to Start-ups;
Europe is in process of transformation to start-up friendly area: Europe is starting to adopt experience of United States of promoting start-ups. Also slow compared to US there is notable progress in Europe’s start-up community, many successful start-ups have been founded in Europe also total investments increase.

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