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Опубликованно: 16.11.2018.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 1 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Table of Figures    3
  Introduction    4
1.  Situation Analysis and Problem Definition    5
1.1.  Background to the Problem    5
2.  Problem Definition    5
2.1.  Hypothesis    5
3.  Research Methodology    6
3.1.  Methods of analysis    6
3.2.  Operationalization of variables    6
3.3.  Data collection    7
4.  Questionnaire Development    7
5.  Findings and Analysis    8
5.1.  Descriptive Analysis of Online survey    8
5.2  Inferential Analysis of Online Survey Results    15
  Conclusions and Recommendations    17
  Conclusions    17
  Recommendations    17
  Bibliography    18
  Appendix    19
Фрагмент работы

Conclusions and Recommendations
According to all data gathered and analysed researches can conclude that both null hypothesis “The mobile phone usage during the lecture impacts on final score of course” and the alternative hypothesis “The mobile phone usage during the lecture doesn’t impact final score of course” are accepted to be is true, as there is no significant difference between final marks for the course when student are and not using mobile phones during lectures. Both hypotheses are true since the purpose of phone usage (either entertaining and studying) can be different and it directly affects the research results. However, there is a slightly higher probability of getting a higher mark when not using phone. It can be added that weak correlation has been found for both hypotheses – further investigation is required.

Never the less, in 21st century youngest generation tend to be dependent from the mobile phones and any types of electronic devices. There is a tendency of students getting worse grades because of using devices during lectures, however, other researches and studying practices like in Finland are showing that modern devices can be used in favour of studies, by creating interesting and efficient way how teach electronic generation.

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