1.1 Definition of Survey Questionnaires
There can be many ways how to define survey questionnaires. According to Walonick (1997:3) the distribution of questionnaires is a ‘method of gathering information’ while Phillips et al. (2008:92) refer to questionnaires as a data collection method. Groves et al. (2009:149) specify questionnaires to be ‘a product of the data collection process’ (from which it can be understood that what has been meant here is already filled out questionnaires). Bell (1999) refers to questionnaires as ‘a structured technique for collecting primary data’ (cited in Beiske 2002:3). All of the above stated definitions have in common the consideration that it is a tool for getting specific information from participants, which can be gathered by using several distribution channels.
1.2 The Ways of Distributing Written Survey Questionnaires
There are various channels for questionnaire distribution. Walonick (1997: 3) mentions only three well-known ways of questionnaire distribution – by mail, by e-mail and via websites while Groves et al.…