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Опубликованно: 20.04.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 4 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    3
2.  The Analysis of the Source Language (ST)    4
3.  The Analysis of the Target Language (TT)    4
4.  The Comparison between ST and TT    5
4.1.  Title    5
4.2.  Structure    5
4.3.  Proper Names    11
4.4.  Personification    11
4.5.  Puns    12
4.6.  Sound effect    13
5.  Conclusions    14
6.  References    15
Фрагмент работы

The author of this paper tried to compare the original text “Alice in Wonderland” written by Lewis Carroll with its translations into Latvian by E. Kauliņa and by E. Melbārzde. It should be mentioned that for this translation was chosen semantic translation where the interpreters tried to translate the text closely to the original text. In my view, the translation by E. Melbārzde was more successful; because of the number of approaches she used and the way she translated such difficult things as puns and metaphors. E. Melbārzde tried to expand the translated text, when it was not possible to translate it as close as possible. She has also found the translation for the metaphor “much of muchness”, where E. Kauliņa simply omitted this part of the sentence. To my mind, the translation of puns, especially the wordplay “one” was translated as correctly as possible and in the way the author thought it should be. E. Kauliņa in some cases used ommission, and these sentences became less colourful and less imaginative than they could have been.
To sum up, there is no one correct translation. The both variants of translation can be accepted, however, paying attention to the small failures that have been made, another translation can be done for the text “Alice in Wonderland.”

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