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Опубликованно: 19.04.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 13 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Having examined Roald Dahl’s biography, writing and theoretical literature on points of view in narrative fiction, the authors come to the following conclusions:
1) Roald Dahl’s life was full of difficulties and ordeals. The most difficult periods were the years at Public School where he felt isolated and humiliated, and the period of World War II, when he could hardly survive, but fought like a hero. Still, the most unbearable was the hypocrisy and bureaucracy he used to cross. This explained his contradictive character: a hero who found optimism in adversity and at the same time a misanthrope who loved to subvert hypocritical morals.
2) Roald Dahl’s became one of the world’s bestselling authors because his stories are a thrilling mixture of grotesque and comic. They are a little cruel but never without humour.
3) Roald Dahl’s stories reflect the complexity and many-sidedness of his writing. The system of points of view in his stories has hierarchical order: the lower level- personage’s points of view, above them- neutral omniscient narrator’s and the highest level- the author’s.
4) In collection of short stories Kiss Kiss Roald Dahl used only the neutral omniscient narrator, which means that the narrator allows the reader to make his or her own judgements from the action of the characters themselves.
5) The collision between the characters is always very complicated, because characters’ points of view change many times, even inside one character, and usually it leads to unpredictable twist of the event.
6) Though the two stories are very different, they both have very complicated systems of points of view. To form the system Dahl widely uses epithets, portraits, oppositions, inversion.
7) This complexity of the system of points of view forms the artistic world in Roald Dahl’s stories, polysemantic, polyphonic and unpredictable.…

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