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Опубликованно: 07.07.2014.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 3 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

But we cannot exclude actions which are taken to improve and develop the Balkan society. The western Balkans suffers from an image problem when it comes to organized crime. Some countries are starting to make efforts to take on the criminals, and to work together in doing so. On June 8th Serbia and Croatia, who were at war during the 1990s, signed a defense co-operation agreement. In May the two countries announced plans for a regional center to fight organized crime. When it comes to fighting organized crime, the states of the western Balkans have much to do. Some, at least, have started doing it. [The Economist, May 2010] This is a new century, so why not to change the perspective and see the real essence of the Balkans.
In conclusion I would like to summarize the main issues. Firstly, we can see that the media has big influence in the process of creating perceptions both inside and outside the Balkans. It shows this region as a circle of conflicts. Conflicts are mostly risen by the diversity within the Balkan states. Secondly, positive cultural things are left in the shadow of media. And this makes almost being at war the main culture of the Balkans. Finally, some countries are showing huge initiative to change these kinds of perceptions like Croatia, Serbia. This could be the opportunity for the Balkans to open a new page and be seen in a different kind of light.

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