When I was a small girl, I enjoyed watching how birds of passage are flying away in autumn and returning in spring. I was always sure that when the first spring flowers start to show up, they’ll be back.
Several years have passed and lots of things have changed-in migration processes, too. Now you can see more people going away than the birds and you can’t be sure if they come back some day. Everybody says: “They are looking for a better life.” But-do they find it there-in foreign countries?
The task:
1. To make inquiries about reasons why the Latvians have chosen to leave their motherland.
2. Latvian people integration in Great Britain and Ireland.
3. Are there any persons who are trying to make some plans how to bring the Latvians back to Latvia.
4. How relatives and friends of persons, who have gone away, feel.
5. What are the problems Latvian emigrants have faced? …