To continue with, there are also several long term prospects to be considered. An interesting benefit of internships is that even if interns were not immediately hired, companies tended to keep them in the employment pool longer than they kept applicants without internships (Roever, 2000; Knouse, 2008). Secondly, Gault et al. (2000) also reviewed by Knouse (2008) found that interns could command higher salaries in their subsequent jobs and advance faster into higher job positions. This may be mainly explained with necessary skills gained through an internship period as well as more knowledge and social capital.
Based on the discussions in previous sections, there is clearly enough evidence that internship is a beneficial activity overall. Employability seems to be enhanced and interns generally can learn additional skills as well as prepare for the real world of work. Also, there are benefits of enhanced employability in the long term and many other advantages in the labour market. Although not all internships are effective in the ways discussed before, it is strongly recommended for all students to complete an internship or work placement.