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Опубликованно: 20.04.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  The theoretical description of BWO work    4
1.1.  The put forward requirements for a secretary    4
1.2.  The secretary career    5
1.3.  The job description of a secreatary    5
2.  Questionnaire    7
2.1.  The short description of inquiry    7
2.2.  The description of the inquiry questionnaire    7
2.3.  The analysis of questionnaire results    7
  Conclusions    8
  Bibliography    9
Фрагмент работы

Our selected theme is: the indices of competence and professionalism of the office work organization. So that we hawe been studying the organization of the office work, then it has determined the choice of the theme of this report. Choosing to acquire this proffesion, it is necessary to understand the essence of the office work organization and its mission in the enterprise. It is a very elegant, accurate, conscientious and refined work in our imagination.
The image of the office work organizer is very different in the each enterprice. It characterizes the common impression of the enterprice because the first person who gets calls from all ower the world is an office work organizer. This person waits for us in the enterprice and the first impression about the guidance and organization of the enterprice is arisen. The office work organizer is such as a face of the enterprice there fore it is very important to acquire and consider the professional ethics and to link up witth unaffectedness, kindness, overtness.
During the writing of this report we hawe confirmed our persuasion for an office work organizer`s role in the enterprise. So the size of our report is only eight pages, then we lay out important things. We try to reflect our theoretical knowledges in this repost and hope that it will be useful for our future profession. The office work organizer will be abbreviated as owo in the subsequent text.
The goal of this report – to study the specific of owo work, to explore the role of owo in the local enterprices.…

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