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Опубликованно: 12.03.2018.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    3
1.1.  Problem proposal    3
1.2.  Methodology    5
2.1.  Introductio    6
2.2.  Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden’s organizaional structure    7
2.3.  Marketing mix of Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden    9
2.4.  Analyse of the hotel’s value chain    17
2.5.  Employee satisfaction    18
2.6.  Customer satisfaction    25
2.7.  Porters’s 5 forces analysis of the hotel    26
2.8.  SWOT analysis    28
2.9.  Future proposal for Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden    30
3.1.  Introduction    31
3.2.  Customer satisfaction    33
3.3.  Marketing mix of The Leading Hotels of the World    35
3.4.  Analysis of The Leading Hotels of the World’s value chain    37
3.5.  Porter’s 5 forces analysis of the hotel consortium    39
3.6.  PEST analysis of The Leading Hotels of the World    42
3.7.  SWOT analysis    43
3.8.  Future proposal and implementation for the association    46
4.  Conclusion    48
5.  Bibliography    50
6.  Appendixes    52
Фрагмент работы

The main thing Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden is providing its customers is tranquillity, which is provided by a wonderful location. The hotel offers everything which the customer expects, everything is in close proximity of the hotel and there are personal service provided throughout the whole day so the customer wouldn’t feel that there is anything missing in the experience. The hotel’s wide rage of products and services which they can offer their customers is one of their many strengths.
Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden is participating in many of the Leading Hotels of the World organised activities such as their loyalty program, booking possibilities and promotion activities. Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden also do their part in promoting themselves, taking parts in many volunteering projects etc.
In quiet periods during the year, Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden should consider thinking about new strategies to attract new groups of customers. In these periods management should focus more on attracting a younger segment which have a taste for luxury accommodation and high level of service.
The employee satisfaction analysis showed that employees in Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa garden are satisfied with the working conditions, the employees are very happy with the career development possibilities and the offered educational development opportunities., the hotel employees feel safe and comfortable in the workplace, while management help new employees to feel accepted in the company as fast as possible. They also mention that they are satisfied with their working hours and salary.…

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