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Опубликованно: 04.10.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 4 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

The unity of European area is usually associated with Christianity on the basis of which the area has developed. In its turn the political system of Europe is rather various. Differences can be seen among political systems of European national countries in one or another part of the area. For example, contrasts can also be seen among Scandinavian countries and West European countries. The history of Mediterranean areas and most of European national countries has witnessed quite remarkable fluctuations of government and political regimes. On its turn, in Scandinavia stability in the government and institutional bodies has dominated for a long time. There was also no tendency to jeopardize democratic processes by internal military or totalitarian means of power acquisition. There were also differences in specific economic development of Scandinavian countries, forms of social structure, outcomes of political results and all-embracing nature of democratic forms that have formed in a long process of historic development.

In order to understand the system of power implementation methods that reflect the state of democratic rights and freedoms as well as the state power attitude towards the legal basis of its activities, the term POLITICAL REGIME is used. Relations between the state power and the civil society is a for its classification. On its turn, political regime is viewed from three important points - civil society, civil culture and the state.…

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