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Опубликованно: 16.03.2015.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 8 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Summing all up, I would to comment and give my personal opinion on this situation. It have been a long time since the very first riot in Ukraine (almost a year) and still there are some turbulences going on in the East of Ukraine, for example. If governments of EU or US, or whoever really would like to stop this, not being afraid of consequences, it would do that. But since there are only “empty bubbles of promises” about harsh sanctions, we can see no result. In the whole world, I guess, there are two sides of the truth about the whole incident and so is in my family. When questioning, one answered that Mr.Putin is right, because he can give Ukraine what it wants (including gas, economic markets, provide economic stability or/and growth, etc.), and other one answered that EU is right, because, when offering Ukraine incorporation in EU, it will allow Ukraine to compete in European markets, take part in European economic/government/diplomatic, etc. formation together with other EU member states. Nevertheless, I am neutral in this question, because I really think, that Ukraine can get benefits, when cooperating with Russia, but if so, it will stay at the same level as it is, because Russia will not let Ukraine to develop, but if Ukraine will corporate with EU, it may have a good opportunity to develop the country, but will lose contacts with Russia (especially in terms of gas). So here everybody has its own vision, as I do, as Ukraine, Russia, EU and others do.…

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