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Опубликованно: 31.05.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

As we know that world changes every year, every day, every hour. If we compare world before 100 years and now, we will see that it’s been changed a lot. Technology has been changed many things in this new world. Since we have mobile phones, internet, modern cars, people has been changed with time. They are so busy with this newest technology that they forget about simply things. I would say that world and people are going crazy. Many things we can do without going out from home. We can do shopping through the internet and shops will deliver commodities to our home, we can work at home using internet, meet friends using Skype or MSN messenger or other internet features. Thanks to Skype we can even see our friends, not just talk to them and hear the voice, colleagues or family using webcam call or conference call. Even books we can read at home and we don’t need library to have them, only connection to the internet. World offer us so modern cars with computers in them, different gadgets useless in social life. World still is round with sky and land but processes on it changed, I guess this process is called flattening. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century is an international bestselling book by Thomas L. Friedman that analyzes globalization, primarily in the early 21st century. The book is done in Friedman's trademark style. You travel with him, meet his wife and kids, learn about his friends and sit in on his interviews. Some find this irritating. I think it works in making complicated ideas accessible. The title is a metaphor for viewing the world as a level playing field in terms of commerce, where all competitors have an equal opportunity. As the first edition cover illustration indicates, the title also alludes to the perceptual shift required for countries, companies and individuals to remain competitive in a global market where historical and geographical divisions are becoming increasingly irrelevant.…

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