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Опубликованно: 19.11.2019.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 7 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
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  Identification and Evaluation of Sources   
Фрагмент работы

As a modern-day historian, I faced many challenges that my peers and other
historians have also faced, when investigating this topic. One of the biggest challenges that I faced is the reliability of information presented by sources. As the Soviet Union is known for its secrecy, there is little, precise data, and even that can be debated. Thus, the information presented by one source, must be verified via other reliable sources to determine whether or
not the information is correctly defined. In regards to the used sources of the investigation, the reliability can be determined by the author, the information available to the author and many more factors. However, for primary sources, the reliability of them can be determined
through comparison to other sources of the relevant information.
Another issue that had arose during the investigation, was the lack of sources in a language known by the investigator. This is because, for the relevant topic, many of the primary sources are either Russian or Spanish. However, when reading secondary sources of the relevant topic, that have translated the primary sources into English, it was important to
determine whether or not the author presents a bias towards either side. This is one of the key challenges that all historians face. In the case of this investigation, I was able to determine the validity of information presented from secondary sources by comparing it to other secondary
sources, as well as using translation devices and my own knowledge of Russian or Spanish to confirm the information from primary sources.…

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