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Опубликованно: 06.12.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

There is something for everyone to see and to do while in Riga. This is one of the main advantages of Riga over other European or Baltic cities. Riga has the both the historic merchant past and the old world charm of the Nineteenth Century and has a look and feel somewhat like Paris. Some have even refereed to Riga as the "Paris of the north" ! To add even more charm, Riga has many great and relaxing city parks that are exciting during all seasons !
The Riga skyline is breathtaking so visit St Peters Church and take the elevator to the top for an unbelievable 360 degree view!Riga is home to many historic churchs of all dominations.
One can tale a walking tour of the romantic cobblestone streets of 800 year old Old Riga City and marvel at how well the buildings have withstood all these years. Or you can walk the length of Elizabetes street from the train station to the North section of the city and tilt your head high to gaze at the remarkable Art Nouvea buildings erected in the expansion boom of the early 1900's. Along the way take a peak at the recently remodeled Reval (Latvija) Hotel one of three Soviet built high-rise buildings in the city. There are many other "soviet left-overs" hidden around the city to marvel at as well. …

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