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Опубликованно: 19.04.2017.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 4 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

This city has a big potential to develop various recreational areas. Jurmala is already know for SPA and rehabilitation treatments, but now it is time to develop other areas. According to the information, we can see that this city is more oriented to people in average age and elders, rather than young people, especially students.
I would like to draw attention to youth tourism. A lot of young people prefer to spend holidays at capital city because of its facilities. Developing tourism for young people, also local residents will receive benefits – having a movie theater, a billiard room, nightclubs with discos, shopping malls could provide local residents spend free time at hometown and not to go to capital city. It could also provide local small business development.
Festivals are becoming more popular in the Baltic states, Jurmala beach location and facilities could provide to held at least one summer music festival during summer season and it could increase not only youth tourist interests. To get student city status I suggest follow my previous mentioned goal to cooperate with student associations to get to know student interests and probably some ideas how to develop youth tourism in future.

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