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Опубликованно: 23.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Officer of three stars medal Margarita Stāraste

Margarita Maiga Stāraste (born Baravika). Every Latvian family knows artist name – it associates with sweet childhood memories. Margarita Stāraste has written and illustrated more than twenty books. She has created pictures to about forty other authors’ books. Each picture by the artist has fostered only kindness and vitality in the hearts of children.
1st personal exception of Margarita Stāraste was her childish pictures lined on her parents’ bed. Her 1 st poem was published in journal “Zeltene”, when she was twelve. 1st book illustrated by her was issued in 1942.

Reason for choosing this book
I chose this book for analyses, because the 1st I had chance to the translation at 2nd his book seems interesting to me and attractive for children with beautiful pictures. Besides the source text is written in easy and understandable language that facilitates the analysing of the book.

We can find several methods are used:

1.– Mani sauc par lācīti Rūcīti.
-- My name is Teddy - Bear Growler.
2.– Līdz šim es dzīvoju mežsarga mājā pie mazā Atiņa.
--Until now I lived with Little Aty the forester’s son. …

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