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United States Military Involvement in Somalia after 1992
Размер файла:
446 KB


Опубликованно: 28.01.2015.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 28 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    3
1.  Background    4
2.  What is humanitarian intervention?    4
a)  Lawfulness of Humanitarian intervention    5
b)  The Ethics on Humanitarian Intervention    7
3.  Somalia in Cold-War era    8
4.  Somali Civil War    9
5.  Operations    9
a)  Operation Provide Relief    10
b)  Operation Restore Hope    11
c)  Operation Continue Hope    11
6.  US in Somalia    11
7.  Conclusions    16
Фрагмент работы

In my own simple words humanitarian intervention is military process aimed to protect citizens of another state, in case of human right violations. Many scholars have offered their own definition, but there still are not any right one, because of interpretation of word humanitarian and intervention.
Oxford dictionary states that humanitarian is concerned with seeking to promote human welfare. The main question is – what is the right way to accomplish this welfare? Is the right way to send humanitarian aid with food, water, and other essential necessities for living or is it military help, what, basically mean, fighting for citizens against their own state? In this case humanitarian intervention was a little bit from both – US sent humanitarian aid to people, provided them with shelters and safety at the same time fighting for them.
And what does the intervention mean? Again, by Oxford dictionary intervention means simply intervening in other states affairs. And there also can be interpretation in what affairs exactly intervening is aimed at? In economic affairs, by, for example, promoting sustainable economic growth, or in harsher way, by transforming whole government. In this case US, for example, when embassy of United States in Somali was left empty and all the officials left with their families and colleagues. They never formally suspended their relations, but there was silence between them and that also somehow changed processes in Somalia. At that time there were no intervention, but when United State official offered their help by providing humanitarian aid, intervention from their side begun.…

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