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интернет библиотека
Atlants.lv библиотека
3,49 € В корзину
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Опубликованно: 03.06.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  The beginning    4
1.1.  The birth of the video game industry    5
2.  The Golden age    6
3.  Video game crash of 1983    8
4.  The Industry rebounds    8
  Conclusion    9
  References    10
Фрагмент работы

The late 90s are worth mentioning for two things: transition to CDs and mobile gaming. A slow decline of cartridges started as the games were produced in CDs, which allowed more capacity. Nowadays a cartridge is rarely found, and most video games come in CDs.
Mobile phone games became popular when Nokia introduced Snake in 1997. Soon enough all the major mobile brands installed games on their newest models. Now it is a self-evident thing that every phone must have games on it.

The first fifty years of video game history were full of surprises. When Goldsmith patented his idea of an electronic game he never would have thought, he could not have imagines that a whole culture would born of such games. But it did! The race was on and everyone wanted to be the fastest. 2000s came with even more innovations and such games as Counter Strike and the Sims. Nowadays a new sequel of a popular video game comes out every year; everyone wants to be the best, the most innovative, the most popular. People spend huge amount of their time at their computers or consoles living other lives and it seems that they love it, which means that the history of video games will only grow.

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